The Meaning of Dreams (Finissage)

18. August 2019

Wühlischstraße 42 10245 Berlin – zum Stadtplan Einschränkung: freier Eintritt; Spenden erwünschtSonntag 18.08.2019 – Anfangszeit: 18:00 Uhr Kategorie: Kunst

The Meaning of Dreams (Finissage)

The artworks of Lee Young-sik invite you to dream. The meaning of dreams has inspired many women and men, artists, but also doctors, clergy and scientists struggling to decode the meaning behind the surrealism of our dream worlds. According to Freud „Dream is the royal road to the unconscious“. The more we are able to understand the root of our dreams, the more we can unravel hidden parts in ourselves.

Gallery Supernova invites you on a fantastic journey into the world of dreams alongside

our Supernova artists Lee Young-Sik( and Guinchi (


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