International Art Prize Velázquez & Goya in Barcelona 2024
6. November 2024
Kunstpreisverleihung in Barcelona.

International Art Prize Velázquez & Goya Kunstpreis Verleihung in Barcelona. Dazu haben Effecto Arte Foundation 2 Kunsteditionsbücher rausgebracht.
Herzlichen dank für die Ehrung.
Es gibt ein paar Impressionen.

Award Speech.
This year, 2024, I have received three awards from The Effeto arte foundation.The International Michelangelo Art- Prize, the Phinix Art- Prize and today, theVelazquez-Goya Art- Prize.These three awards have greatly supported and helped my artistic work.The Effeto arte foundation is dedicated to artists.It awards prizes to encourage artists. And it also organizes parties for thewinners in the best places in the city.Perhaps The Effeto foundation does not know. What a tangible consolation,recognition, courage, joy and pride it gives to artists.It makes artists who are wondering how far their art has come walk out of theirAtelier, their work clothes, change into tuxedos and participate in the festivalof life called the award ceremony.Our artistic work would be difficult, like the labor of Sisyphus. If there were nosuch joyful and special event as today.I just came to Barcelona by plane after attending the Caroussel Louvre Art Fairin Paris. I live in Berlin, so I came Berlin-Paris-Barcelona.Today I dare, for a moment, to throw away my Sisyphus rock called art.And I participate in this festival of life called the Art Prize.Everything is possible thanks to the wonderful philosophy of The Effeto ArteFoundation, which loves, supports and encourages artists.My warmest thanks to the Effeto Arte Foundation.Thank you, Grazie Mille!