Berlin Urban Art Clash 2013
20. April 2013

200cm x 200cm,
Acryl auf leinwand

Am 20.April 2013 startet der diesjährige Urban Art Clash in der Platoon Factory Berlin. Die Gruppenausstellung ist bis 26.Mai 2013 geöffnet. Mit dabei Age Age, Bosso Fataka, Carl Kenz, Casey McKee, C-Line, Cren One, Czarnobyl, Dejoe, Dhos-218, Estevan Oriol, Hombre, HrvB, Inkdrips, Jeff Soto (Pictoplasma), Kiwie, Kosem, L.E.T., Lucky Cat, Marc Bodé, Marc Hype, Mein lieber Prost!, MTO, Phos-4, Pisa73, Riot, Rolf C. Wackenberg, Slider, Some, Skenar-73 und viele mehr!
URBAN ART CLASH presents a large-scale exhibition, curated by Alesh One/Dissizit, that aims to embody the current state of contemporary Urban Art & Photography at PLATOON KUNSTHALLE Berlin!
over 50 talented artists from from all over the world will participate in the exhibition as well as the 6-week open studio session at the PLATOON FACTORY.
applied street art techniques such as graffiti, stencils, painting, photography, collages, paste up, screen printing, sculptures, aerosol art, tattoo ink art, drawing, sketching and graphic design will be transferred to the main exhibition at PLATOON FACTORY and all over Berlin city.
the URBAN ART CLASH gallery opening will be on the 20th of april in the PLATOON FACTORY at 3pm and the opening party will be at 10pm in the PLATOON KUNSTHALLE
check & for updates.
Age Age, Alesh One / Dissizit!, Alexander Rodin, Amewu, Anastasia Bydolin, Andy-K / Bandits, Bosso Fataka, Carl Kenz, Casey McKee, Celina Bostic, Christopher Kieling, Chuuu, C-Line, Cren One, Czarnobyl, DDoom, Decycle, Dejoe, Dhos-218, Drikksta, Emus Primus, Estevan Oriol, Falk Land, Feliks Stift, Florent Dumontier, Haevi Styles, Hombre – SUK, HrvB – The Weird, Hura Kollektiv, HZA Bazant, Inkdrips, Jahfish, J.B.L., Jeff Soto (Pictoplasma), Jussi 27, Katarina Rak, Kalma VJ, Kenji451, Kiwie, Kosem, L.E.T., Lee Young-Sik, Lokey Photography, Lucky Cat, Lutz C. Pramann, Marc Bodé, Marc Hype, Martin Travers, Mein lieber Prost!, MTO, Mij.K.Do., Onyx, Phos-4, Pisa73, Preluce, Riot, Rolf C. Wackenberg, OG Urban, Orbit, Plotbot aka KEN, Sabatino Cersosimo, Slick / Dissizit!, Slider / Bandits, Some-1, Skenar-73, Stolen Goods, Street Yoga, Trommel Tobi, Tona, Volker Witte, Werd Pace, Yarah Bravo, Yveta Sarah Nickel uvm
OPENING: saturday, 20th april, 3 pm
EXHIBITION RUNING: 20th april – 26th may
OPENING HOURS: thursday – sunday between 2 pm – 8 pm
entrance for the exhibition opening & after party: 3 €